It's been a few weeks since my daughter and I embarked on our "Me Doll" project. I thought I would give you a quick update. So far it's been a lot of fun and definitely a learning experience. The biggest lesson I learned is that an 8 year old with a short attention span will not take her time completing a project no matter how much you, her mother, recommend it. She is completely finished and has been for over a week. Several trips to the craft store and a night with a glue gun was all she needed. Sequince, as she has named her doll, is colourful and sparkly and just the way my daughter claims she wants her to be. Who am I to argue? However, regardless of how slapdash I thought her approach was, I heard a friend of Anna's admiring the doll when she found it in our living room. I suppose I should remember that my tastes aren't on par with an 8 year old's and the point was to have fun, which she did. Mission accomplished. Time for the perfectionist (me) to move on.
My daughter's doll, Sequince |
I have taken a different approach to my doll. She is nowhere near finished. I've been working away at her here and there when I have a couple of hours of "free" time. This is, actually, somewhat unusual for me. I tend to be more like my daughter and plow my way through a project as quickly as possible. I decided that this was not what I wanted to do. If I took my time I could make better decisions on how I would apply the different elements. When I come to creative standstill during my work, I stop and walk away. Several days later I return with a solution or at least an enthusiasm that has had time to regenerate.
My "Me"Doll in progress |
This doll is definitely a departure from my fairies but I have learned about a few new techniques that I would like to apply to my fairies. I believe I am more successful at painting faces on fabric than I am on modeling clay. One of the biggest changes I'd like to try is to create fabric heads for my fairies as well as arms and legs. If I can swing it, I may make the entire body this way and then add the flowers afterward. A friend of mine commented on how comfortable the doll felt in her hands. I would like to bring that comfortable feel to the fairies as well. It's nice to have a decoration but I would like the fairies to be more than that.
I'm really enjoying this fairy/doll making adventure. It's a wonderful creative outlet. Stay tuned. More updates to come. :)